Saturday, January 23, 2010

Conversation In Bott Village

The following is a translated account of a conversation I had with a man and a waitress in Bott village near the border with Varin district. It took place at a drink stand after I had bought some bottled water. I arrived and left by bicycle. I had never spoken to these people before now.

Listening Waitress: Where are you coming from, where are you going?

Me: I coming from Angkor Chum High School, and returning there later this afternoon.

Listening Waitress: You are not tired?

Me: No, not yet. I am riding my bicycle for exercise. It is good for one's health.

Man: Many Khmer girls love French men.

Me: Yes, I have heard this already from others.

Man: Many French men love Khmer girls. They give them money.

Me: Then it is a good thing I am neither French nor in love with a Khmer girl.

Man: Love them for a long time... a long time. Give them money.

Me: And how are you today, sir?

Man: (Ignores me, picks up his cell phone and calls a friend)

Listening Waitress: Don't you think that a Khmer girl could love you?

Me: My mother would not approve.

Listening Waitress: But she would love you!

Me: My mother would not approve.

Man: (Puts down the phone) Many Khmer Khmer girls love French men.

Listening Waitress: A Khmer girl would love a French man like you!

Me: Well I must be off. Good day to you both!

1 comment:

Nonotsho said...

Hey there.

I was a Peace Corps Volunteer from 2005-2008 in Africa and will be travelling with my sister to Cambodia and wanted some PCV inside advice....

1.) How much are cell phones and how much is the SIM card and activation? Also what do calling cards cost?
2.) Do you wear any non-western clothing? If so how much does a typical outfit cost?
3.) Any other advice? We will be in PP, SR, and the Cardamom Mountains and are travelling in from early to mid-June.

